Should we always be ourself Unless We are Batman?
Wien 2018
My mutuality
with Batman is that neither of us look very good in tights.
Batman is not realistic. A myth should never be realistic. But as in any story, comic, or movie, the lessons hidden within can be realistic.
We need our own struggles to increase self-satisfaction and reduce stagnation. Manageable struggles that define us and give us meaning. If we face them and win…. We can be our own superheroes
Would Batman have a Social media account like modern superheroes?
Would he post his own exploits every day to get recognition or show how good he is? Or would he prefer a good old newspaper article in wich he can read about his exploits as others saw them? We'll never find out because he's just a fiction.
Fact is that everyone is able to express their opinion on their social media account or blog and publish them.
In many cases, this is taken at face value. Critical questioning rarely takes place, but - in my opinion - is more important today than ever before. We rely less and less on books or personal conversations with experts and regularly use "information products" from producers that we do not know. We do not need to adhere to a library's opening times, research is reduced to an Internet search query. Finding someone who supposedly offers help on a topic is child's play.
the realistic picture
what we would have today from the now 81 year old superhero would be one with a wheeled walker rather than with the Batmobile.
As social beings, we are increasingly losing the ability to interact face-to-face. We spend more time in the company of our digital devices and with virtual friends than with real partners.
Rather than making our lives more enjoyable, the negative side of technology is that it can be addictive and affect our communication and social skills.
Images and Text © Sascha van der Werf